A little pirate on a treasure hunt

Children go on a treasure hunt in Damüls with the local hiking guide Verena Bischof. During the tour many small tasks are set which finally leads us to Treasure Island. You will learn how to behave in the forest and experience using your sense of orientation in nature in a playful way. Parents are welcome to join the hike. Ideal for children between 5 and 10 years old!

Dates: 19th July, 26th July, 2nd August, 9th August, 23rd August
Provider: Local hiking guide Verena Bischof
Duration: approx. 2.5 to 3 h
Walking time/difference in altitude: approx. 1.5 h |approx. 150 metres in altitude
Meeting point: 9:15 am at the tourist office Damüls
Costs: free for guests from BERGaktiv member companies as well as for children up to 15 years! Otherwise € 13,00 per person
Registration: Until the day before 17.00 o'clock at Damüls Faschina Tourismus (+43 5510 620) or until 20.00 o'clock online at www.grosseswalsertal.at/bergaktiv
Route: Tourist office Damüls - Uga Express Lift - Hertele Weg - Grill area - Sunnegg (here the children can be picked up)
Equipment: Good footwear with profile sole, small backpack with drink and small snack and sun, rain protection

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A little pirate on a treasure hunt

  • Details

    Organization BERGaktiv Grosses Walsertal

    Ort 6731 Sonntag

    Start 09:15

  • Repeating event

    • 02.08.2024
    • 09.08.2024
    • 23.08.2024

    Further dates

A little pirate on a treasure hunt

Kirchdorf 138, 6884 Damüls


  • Kirchdorf 138, 6884 Damüls
  • Tourismusbüro Damüls
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